Summary of what we played in 2018

Sushi Go! The most played game at the club this year and all-time.

Sushi Go! The most played game at the club this year and all-time.

It has been a while since I last put something up for which I give apologise, but the club is still going strong and I thought I would give end of year statistics of what the club has been up to. These are drawn from information kept on our page on Boardgamegeek at :-

 This year we played 390 games slightly down on last years’ 448, however we only had one Saturday event in 2018 which may have had a slight impact. Only 79 of the 248 titles played this year had multiple appearances leaving 169 titles with only 1 play (68.14%), this is a bit sad and I wonder if we are forever chasing flavour of the week or are most games just not reaching a high enough standard to deserve a replay?  I also wonder whether this is also reflected in the games we buy for play at home.

A stack of 26 games, so a stack of 248 (the number of different titles played) would be nearly 10 times this amount, quite a bit of shelving space.

A stack of 26 games, so a stack of 248 (the number of different titles played) would be nearly 10 times this amount, quite a bit of shelving space.

Top of the chart this year was Sushi Go! with 8 plays, following were Fuji Flush & Istanbul The Dice Game (7 plays); Bruges & Cafe Fatal (6 plays); Majesty For the Realm, Capital & Bunny Kingdom (5 plays); 7 Wonders, Reef, Flamme Rouge, Om Nom Nom  & The Quest for El Dorado (4 plays).

Om Nom Nom had a repeat appearance in the annual top games played at the club, a typical lightweight filler with simple rules, engaging and an excellent intro game for non-gamers.

Om Nom Nom had a repeat appearance in the annual top games played at the club, a typical lightweight filler with simple rules, engaging and an excellent intro game for non-gamers.

Only 4 of these games Sushi Go!, Capital, Flamme Rouge and Fuji Flush appeared in the top plays list for 2017. The clubs favourite game has to be Sushi Go! as it is the third year in which it has appeared in 1st or 2nd place.

Cockroach Poker in 2nd place of most played games at the club.

Cockroach Poker in 2nd place of most played games at the club.

The full Tally at the club since we started on 23rd April 2014 is 1871 games, this does not include games which have multiple plays at the same or a different table on the same night, so the true sum is quite a bit higher. 733 Unique titles have been played with of course Sushi Go! standing out as the most played game with 34 plays, following are Cockroach Poker (21), Bang the Dice Game (20), Port Royal (20), Splendor (18) and Fuji Flush (17); it is not surprising that these are the most played as they are regular filler games at the club, the more substantial games have a lot fewer plays and it depends on your perspective as to what that includes, as examples we have Flamme Rouge and Traders of Osaka with 12 plays a piece, Russian Railroads at 9 and Concordia at 8 plays.